2025 Cooks' Registration Form

ATTENTION: Applications that are submitted without payment will be discarded by the registration system. So, please do not submit your application until you are ready to pay the total registration fee.
ALERT: To enter our BBQ Cook-Off, please fill out and submit the entry form below. After you submit the entry form, you will be re-directed to the "Cooks' Payment Center", where you may pay your total entry fee.

* = Required Field

NOTE: Please enter a single first name.
NOTE: Please enter a single last name.
Format: 123-456-7890

Cook-Off Categories*

Will You Be Competing in People's Choice? NEW!


Will You Be Competing in Showmanship?


ATTENTION: Only contestants competing in meat categories will receive a complimentary t-shirt.

Event Map

ALERT! WE DO NOT PROVIDE ELECTRICITY. In respect to our Downtown Businesses NO PITS, CAMPS, TRAILERS, or RVs will be allowed to set up before 5 PM Thursday, April 3, 2025. ON ANY BLOCK. PERIOD. This means NO marking or reserving of spaces before 5 PM on 04.03.2025. ALL TAPE WILL BE PULLED DOWN IF IT IS NOT A SPONSOR SPACE MARKED BY EVENT STAFF. The ONLY reserved spaces marked before 5 PM will be for our TOP-LEVEL SPONSORS. Also, each team is limited to one RV and one Additional vehicle per entry. Please help us accommodate everyone by not taking any more space than you need and being courteous and respectful of your neighbors and fellow cooks. You will be forced to move if you are taking up extra space that you do not need.